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On 1st of July 2006 till 30th of June 2020, the RI Representative Michel P. Jazzar Rotarian from the Republic of Lebanon, had represented the Rotary International.

History: Rotary International appointed PDG Tawfiq Kawar [from Jordan] as RI's representative to ESCWA in 2004 to further its relationship with this regional commission. In 26 of November of 2004, ESCWA hosted at the United Nations House in Beirut  a Rotary Day event that was attended by hundreds of Rotarians and guests.

Michel P. Jazzar has been elected as District 2452 Governor for Rotary Year 2018-2019 [1st July 2018 - 30 June 2019] 

This Weblog is set as to give you the opportunity to follow Michel P. Jazzar in his mission that started on the 1st of July 2006 and to be updated on all events and meetings.



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