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National Immunization Days-NIDs - Lebanon - 6/11 December 2013


 RI Representative to United Nations-UN at UN-ESCWA located at Beirut, Lebanon, the country of almost 4 million of inhabitants in which 1.5 million of non-Lebanese of Syrians, Palestinians, Iraqis… of refugees are now sharing the same 10452 km²,

As RI Rep to UN, I had to respond to the statement and the decision of the RI Board read in Minutes of the May 2012 RI Board of Directors Meeting, page 14, column b:

Statement: At its May 2012 meeting, the International PolioPlus Committee requested that the Board seeks additional international support from United Nations representatives in the campaign to eradicate polio.

DECISION: The Board, acting on behalf of the Trustee chairman, requests the RI representatives to the United Nations to inform the country representatives to the UN that The Rotary Foundation will be contacting them to seek their support in the campaign to finally eradicate polio.

Being appointed on 4th of November 2013 by the D.2452 Governor 2013-14 as member of the AdHoc Polio Committee for Lebanon.


I took part to the NIDs - Polio vaccination in Lebanon -The best Rotary moments.

photos included in the album - at Right Column --> http://riescwa.hautetfort.com/album/national-immunization-days-nids-lebanon-2nd-round/

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