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RI Representatives 2011 meeting at RI HQ Evanston - USA


Photos: see Album titled "Meeting RI Reps"

My presentation during the one-hour brainstorming French language session on 7 November 2011: Group II: Paris-Strasbourg-Beirut [12th floor A/B].

"Objectifs des Representants du RI aupres des Nations Unies":


RI Reps Goals 2011-2012: Goals for 2011-12 RI Representatives to the UN.doc

[NEW] - RI Reps Goals 2011-2012 and beyond [after group brainstorming]: RevisedGoals for 2011-12 fromRI RepMtg.doc

My Action Plan for 2011-2012: RI REP ACTION PLAN-michel jazzar .pdf

RI Reps list-without coordinates: 2011-12 RI Representatives to the UN Contact List .pdf

Agenda 2-day meeting : RI Rep Meeting Agenda2011.pdf

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